Friday, February 12, 2010

Now that the 21 Day fast is over I want to transition my blog to a between Sundays thought or devotional. Writing a blog is a chore in itself and I have no interest in making it an everyday event.

Yet I would like to take the opportunity to encourage you "Between Sundays" for just a few minutes. You can make a difference in the world.

With that in mind I'm reminded that we never know what the people we associate are going through. Just this past week I sat down to talk to a person who has been attending our church for a few weeks and they began to pour their heart out to me and share with me some of the issues they were facing in their family. I sat in my office with my mouth open not believing what I was hearing from this person who I believed gave every appearance of having it together. I prayed with them and continue to pray for them. My heart breaks for their situation.

Which brings me to the point. How many times do we really know what the people around us are going through. The situation I mentioned above can be repeated over and over again in my life. How many times do the people we associate with that appear to have it all together when you peel back the layers there is heartbreak, pain, and real life problems. I want to assure you it's more than we think.

So let me encourage you. God says he is near to the brokenhearted. Shouldn't we look for those opportunities as well. When people are really hearting are the times we can really minister.

Just a thought.

Pastor Kevin