Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Hot Sauce Thought

My Pastor and Mentor whom I was came to know Christ under wrote the following post regarding the Holy Spirt. He serves as a missionary in Europe and is a spiritual hero to me. The article is taken direcly from his weekly thoughts titled Coffee Stains.

Hope you enjoy.

Hot Sauce!

I like hot sauce—my wife doesn’t like it as much as I do.

When we pastored in Paris there was a lady in the church from Cameroon who made a hot sauce that I loved. The only thing was that when I ate it, I sputtered fire like Puff the Magic Dragon.

Once I doctored my meal with half a teaspoon of the concoction and it nearly killed me. So, I tried a fourth of a spoonful. The results weren’t much better. Finally, I touched my fork gingerly into the sauce then mixed it into the food until I got the right taste and warmness.

A Little Mix-up

One day I had used a spoon to dip the hot sauce and laid it on the table. My wife was at my right and when desert time came, somehow my spoon got mixed up with her dessert spoon.

Suddenly I heard an exclamation, “I think I got this cake too hot!” Phyllis had a very surprised look on her face. I was also surprised. How could a cake be too hot? You don’t put hot sauce in cakes.

Then it dawned on me ... ah, she got my spoon and ... Well, I don’t have to tell you, I got a good laugh. She accused me of doing it on purpose but that wasn’t true. I certainly would have done it on purpose if I had thought of it, so I guess that’s nearly the same thing when you consider the state of my heart.

All this brings up a very good question: “Why put hot sauce on food anyway?” The short answer is—it’s good.

My theory is that you appreciate food more when you have to sweat and suffer a bit to consume it. And a good sauce brings out the best in food, just like salt does. It gives it impact. It probably even kills tapeworms—or at least antagonizes them.

A little “hot sauce” wouldn’t hurt some Christians. I’m talking about something to spice them up. They go to church and they’re bored. You have to hold a mirror in front of their face to see if they are breathing.

They read God’s Word and they’re bored. They pray in between snores. They’re heading for heaven and they’re bored to death about it. They’re serving Jesus and frankly, to them it’s about as exciting as mashed potatoes without salt, pepper, or butter (that’s known as a diet).

God gave us His Spirit to bring us alive—heavenly hot sauce if you’ll pardon the metaphor.

Jesus told those who loved them that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and they would be his witnesses. When someone has been eating lively hot-sauce you can tell. Their face gets red; they sweat; and they ask for refills of Dr. Pepper or Diet Coke.

When a person is really filled with the Spirit you can tell. He wants to talk about the Lord Jesus; he wants to praise Him. He wants to serve Him. There’s some spice about him. It’s deeper than just a taste enhancement. It’s about who he is at the core of his being.

Could I ask you a question: Could you use some “hot sauce” in you life. Here’s some advice from God’s Word: "I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it." (Ps. 81:10, KJV)

He filled the disciple’s mouth with power on the day of Pentecost: “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:4, NIV). Then they began to preach to the crowd in a language understood by everyone and the results were astonishing.

“Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.’

“With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.” (Acts 2:38-41, NIV)

Heavenly hot sauce anyone?

Written my Missionary David Porter

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who Are Spirit Filled People

Ken Horn the Editor of the Pentecostal Evangel wrote recently about the Characteristics of Spirit Filled people. I thought the list was an excellent reminder of the distinctives of Pentecostal people.

Ken said Pentecostals are .....
  1. Expectant...... they expect God to do great things.
  2. Prayerful....Pentecostals should not be afraid to pray about anything. Pray with endurance and practice "praying through".
  3. Focused....one of the reasons we are so missions minded is the fact that we are focused on souls.
  4. Godly....Holiness is not a dirty word....but should be desired by Pentecostal people.
  5. Joyful.....Pentecostals should be full of the joy of the Lord. It's when we look our best.

What a great list! Spirit filled people there should be something different about us that sets us apart. Be filled with the spirit and the the spirit fill your life.

Pastor Kevin

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Acknowlege the Holy Spirt Everyday

I'm back to blogging. During the next several weeks we are studying the Holy Spirit in our sermon series we've titled "3rd Person".

I've been reading several books concerning the Holy Spirit over the past several days in preparation for this sermon series. One of the best reminders we can have concerning the Holy Spirit is based on Romans 8:27, "He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." I' don't know about you, but I find the thought of the Spirit of God praying for me according to the will of God extremely comforting. (taken from The Forgotten God by Francis Chan)

Many times I don't know what to pray, how to pray, or what to do. Yet we have a promise that the Holy Spirit knows and when I pray within the confines of the Holy Spirit I'm always praying in the will of God. That is a beautiful promise.

Don't forget your prayer this week,
Dear Holy Spirit,
I need you in my life. I want to know you better. Show me who you are. I need your help in my home, my family, my relationships and in my church. Please fill me with all the power and all the gifts you have for me. Make me more like Jesus. Amen

Acknowlege the Holy Spirt Everyday

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

As God for Discernment

Someone has been on my heart the past few days. I've missed them at church and couldn't get away from that nagging feeling I should check on them. Today when I came to the office and called to check with them they burst into tears and began to tell me some of the things they were going through. How they had been in the emergency room last night and have really been going through a hard time. They are some of the best people in the whole world.

Which reminded me about the gift of discernment and how important it can be in our lives. A.W. Tozer stated, Discernment is one of the most practical of all the spiritual gifts available to the spiritual leader today.

My experience today reminded me I need to listen, be alert, and follow the promptings God gives me. Let me ask the question, what are you being prompted to do. Is there someone you need to call? Check up on someone, or stop by for an unexpected visit.

Follow those promptings. They can make all the difference in the world.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Now that the 21 Day fast is over I want to transition my blog to a between Sundays thought or devotional. Writing a blog is a chore in itself and I have no interest in making it an everyday event.

Yet I would like to take the opportunity to encourage you "Between Sundays" for just a few minutes. You can make a difference in the world.

With that in mind I'm reminded that we never know what the people we associate are going through. Just this past week I sat down to talk to a person who has been attending our church for a few weeks and they began to pour their heart out to me and share with me some of the issues they were facing in their family. I sat in my office with my mouth open not believing what I was hearing from this person who I believed gave every appearance of having it together. I prayed with them and continue to pray for them. My heart breaks for their situation.

Which brings me to the point. How many times do we really know what the people around us are going through. The situation I mentioned above can be repeated over and over again in my life. How many times do the people we associate with that appear to have it all together when you peel back the layers there is heartbreak, pain, and real life problems. I want to assure you it's more than we think.

So let me encourage you. God says he is near to the brokenhearted. Shouldn't we look for those opportunities as well. When people are really hearting are the times we can really minister.

Just a thought.

Pastor Kevin

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Try Something New

Tonight we tried something completely new. Black Bean Burgers. Very Interesting and honestly not too bad. I would have never tried it if I hadn't been partaking in the Daniel Fast. Why would I? But because I"m tired of eating the same thing I stretched myself and tried something new.

Which is a reminder about Faith. Sometime we should step out of our comfort zone and try something different. Stretch our faith and do something new. That's the way faith grows. That's the way we expand our horizons.

The Daniel fast causes me to try something new, and hopefully inspire my faith to try something different as well.

Pastor Kevin

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank the Lord for What you have

Last night it happened. For the first time since the begining of my Daniel fast I thought I really would like some meat. Another Baked Potoato just didn't seem to cut it and to be honest I'm kind of tired of Salad honestly between you and me I want a hamburger. That doesn't sound spiritual but it's true.

Which causes me to think and understand this I should be thankful for what I have to eat. Thank you Lord for this food bless and nourish it to my body in Jesus name amen. That's the standard prayer at the Ward house. How many times are we really thankful for the food we have, the blessing of good food, and the nourishment it brings.

I have a good friend who is struggling now to keep food down. He's lost tons of weight and down to 122 pounds. He would be so grateful for food now. I look at the people on TV in Haiti and think they would be so thankful for any food right now. Maybe the Daniel fast should be a reminder to all of us. Thank you Lord for this food.

Just a thought.

Pastor Kevin

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Raise Your Expectations

Great day at church yesterday. There was such an expectation of what God is doing in our church. I preached on tithing and almost everyone still came back Sunday night.

Expectations are lifted in a season of tithing. What are your expectations for the new year. What are your expectations for you, your family, and your church. Fasting will inspire you to lift them up a notch and inspire you to better things. So go ahead and dream so new dreams. Raise your expectations that's what tithing does.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Powerful Fasting Scripture

Sorry I missed blogging yesterday. I hope your fasting season is going well. Look at it this way we're almost 1/3 of the way through. I hope you will keep dedicating your fast to God, praying for miracles, setting aside time to pray, and trusting God for Good things.

Last night Tammie read me a powerful scripture from the Message version of John 6 verse 27 states; Don't wast your energy striving for perishable food like that. Work for food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life, food the Son of man provides. He and what he does are guaranteed by God the Father to last.

What a powerful scripture for our 21 day fast. I'm praying for food that will last in 2010.

Praying for you and you pray for me.

Pastor Kevin

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm definatly more sensitive.

This morning I went to breakfast with some men from the church. We went to the normal breakfast place and when I walked through the door the smell was incredible. Ham, Sausage, Bacon, and Eggs ( I don't even like eggs) and it all smelled so good. I've never noticed how good it smells before. Apparently fasting makes my nose more sensitive to great smells.

Which leads me to another thing. How fasting can help us be more sensitive to other things as well. More sensitive to God's voice, more sensitive to promptings, more sensitive to hearing the needs of others. That's just what fasting does it makes us more sensitive.

So keep going. Stay sensitive and believe that God is doing something great.

I'm praying for you, and you pray for me.

Pastor Kevin

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daniels Day

Welcome to day number four. I have transitioned my fast from an absolute fast to a Daniel fast. I'm sensing the Lord speaking to my and endeavoring to stay sensitive to his voice. I hope you are still doing well.

I have been encouraged as I continue to hear bits and snipits of things people are fasting and dedicating to God. Everything from Tobacco products to eating out.

I know God will honor your fast. Keeping it short today so.......
Until tomorrow.
I'm praying for you and you pray for me.

Pastor Kevin

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where did it all begin

Hey Guys I hope your fast is going well. Hunger pains have kind of passed for me and I just feel like there's a pit in the middle of my stomach. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. I spice mine up with lemon juice and some sweetener. It makes it more bearable.

I read the third chapter of John with you today and was drawn to verse 6 where the bible states, flesh gives birth to flesh and spirit gives birth to spirit. I believe that is what we are doing at Central Assembly. That is the purpose of this fast to give birth to something spiritual. You don't earn God's blessing by Fasting, but I do believe you can give birth to something spiritual significant for the rest of the year in your life.

Continue on. I'm praying for you and you pray for me.

Pastor Kevin

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm Hungry

Day 2 of our 21 day fast and I have an admission I'm HUNGRY.

Today I woke up with Mathew 5:6 on my heart which states "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness for they shall be filled." HUNGER is a unique thing. I woke up this morning with my stomach saying there's something going on here, and my head saying where is the caffeine, and my body kind of in a daze.

That's one of the purposes of fasting. I'm supposed to be reminded that just in the same way that I may be hungry now I'm supposed to be just as HUNGRY for the things of God, just as hungry for righteousness, and aware of his presence and absence in my life.

Rarely am I ever HUNGRY. I eat by the clock, don't go to long between meals, and throw a few snacks in between. But today's a different story. I'm reminded of what it feels like to be hungry and how I need to feel about God.

I'm praying for you and I hope you're praying for me.

Pastor Kevin

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Going Through the Motions

Welcome to day number one of our 21 day fast. Day number one is one of the most difficult days. Why? Because I'm so used to doing things out of habit. Whether it's drinking a diet coke, reaching in the candy jar, or heading down to Sonic I can do any or all those things without thinking. Now I'm telling myself to stop and think about what I do when they normally come second nature to me. Which obviously brings me to the question I ask myself. How many other times do I simply do things without thinking about the cost? Do I respond in anger to other people, do I make decisions without praying, or do I sit for hours and watch a T.V. show and never consider how I'm using my time? One of the purposes' of fasting is saying, "I don't want to go through the motions I want to think about what I do with my life.

I'm praying for you, you pray for me.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fear is a natural feeling when you take on something new. Even though I've fasted for 21 days before I still find myself worried about a number of different things. Will I have enough strength, will I make it, what about caffeine headaches.

Again the basics of fasting are dedicating your fast to God, and believing he will bless your efforts. Remember to not just make this about food. Set aside extra time to read the bible, do your devotions, and of course pray.

I believe God will smile on us over the next 21 days. I'll be praying for you and you pray for me.

Pastor Kevin