Tuesday, March 9, 2010

As God for Discernment

Someone has been on my heart the past few days. I've missed them at church and couldn't get away from that nagging feeling I should check on them. Today when I came to the office and called to check with them they burst into tears and began to tell me some of the things they were going through. How they had been in the emergency room last night and have really been going through a hard time. They are some of the best people in the whole world.

Which reminded me about the gift of discernment and how important it can be in our lives. A.W. Tozer stated, Discernment is one of the most practical of all the spiritual gifts available to the spiritual leader today.

My experience today reminded me I need to listen, be alert, and follow the promptings God gives me. Let me ask the question, what are you being prompted to do. Is there someone you need to call? Check up on someone, or stop by for an unexpected visit.

Follow those promptings. They can make all the difference in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Brother! Our Pastor has challenged us to witness to 10 people a week and we've averaged two people saved every week since then. God is moving! Praise His Name. We may be the only "difference" in someone's life today,...and we may not get tomorrow.
